Thursday, May 3, 2007


So George Bush signed the veto for the proposed Iraq spending bill that would start sending troops home by October.

I do not understand why people are so upset by his veto. First off, I don't think telling anyone except for the Iraqi government about when we are going to leave makes any sense. It should not be a public thing. I think it should be a much more gradual removal. Secondly, this is his war. Whether or not people agree with it, he is going to do everything in his power to try to make sure that the state of Iraq succeeds and is at least stable by the time American troops leave.

It will be hard to convince him otherwise. It may have not been the smartest decision to go in the first place, but he will not give up hope that the country will put itself back together.

At this point, unfortunately, that does not look very likely at all. It's really a shame too. A country that is ruled by a dictator cannot put it's differences aside long enough to enjoy freedom.

That just goes to show you how the Islamic mind works. They are extremely passionate people and they don't tend to want to cooperate when they have been fighting each other for centuries.

It is not a problem that will just go away. I think giving up right now doesn't make sense either.

We need some new thinkers with some new plans or the country is going to fall into ruin for good.

Keyboard Waffle Iron

Ok, I do believe that I have now seen almost everything. I was reading [H]ard|OCP this morning and on their front page is a product for a waffle iron that makes waffles in the shape of a keyboard.

Easily the most ridiculous thing I have seen in the past few weeks, but for some reason I am drawn to it. I would really love to have one of these in my kitchen.

It really has endless uses and hours of fun attached to it. Seriously, think about it, how much fun would it be to have your breakfast shaped like a keyboard. You could pretend to type up that important assignment, and then boom! You eat home row and no one can ever use it again.

I do understand that may sound lame to some people, but for me, that would be an amazing and hilarious breakfast. If you don't believe me I think you should try one of your own. Plus, whenever you get mad at your real keyboard, you can take a deep breath, make a waffle one, and beat it as much as you want.

I think for that reason alone it's worth owning.

Spiderman 3

Now all the buzz these days, or at least from those people close to me, has been for Spiderman 3. The film opens tomorrow with an estimated budget between 250 and 300 million.

Now when I hear that much money being thrown around about a movie, it should really be the biggest film anyone has ever seen in the history of movies. If not, why would anyone ever spend that much money.

For one thing, no actor is worth 20 million, they may be worth it to the investors to get that extra 30 or 40 million at the box office just for name recognition, but in reality there are plenty of amazing actors getting paid almost nothing. It's just how the business works.

Now to get back to my point, Spiderman 3 will most likely not be the best film ever made. From what some critics have been saying it is decent, but it misses the mark. This is what I have been expecting all along. There seems to be far too many characters and villains for anyone to actually make sense of anything. This can get huge films in trouble. If there is no substance behind the 13 villains, what are you really left with?

I am really hoping not to be disappointed. I will go to the theater with low expectations. I think that is the best thing to do. Whenever a film is incredibly hyped that is my course of action. I went into Grindhouse with extremely low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. For some reason the American public just didn't get that one, and for that, I will never understand the American public and their tastes.

So good luck Spiderman 3. I hope you are everything I want you to be. Which, frankly speaking, isn't a whole lot.